Saturday, November 12, 2011

Paintings from the exhibition in St. Louis Russian pavilion World Expo 1904.

Art studio Sergey Konstantinov.
Art studio designing and producing classical and contemporary murals, restoration & conservation decorative arts, painting & sculpture. Fine art gallery.

Paintings from the exhibition in St. Louis Russian pavilion World Expo 1904.

Russia was represented by a collection of over six hundred works of art, consisting mainly of paintings.  Ten different art societies were represented, and included paintings of such well-known members of the Imperial Academy of Arts as:  Repin, Vladimir and Alexander Makofsky, Dubofsky, Kasatkine, Volkoff, Soukherofsky, Kosheleff, Venig, Verestchagin, Maimon, and von Liebhardt. In  addition,there was independent collections illustrative of "Ancient Russia," "The Ural and its Riches" and "Siberia," which had (at that time),  never before been displayed outside of Russia.

Art Conservation & Restoration Painting. Painting oil on canvas. Nicolai A. Koscheleff. The Plunder.

Art Conservation & Restoration Painting. Painting oil on canvas. Nicolai Vassilievitch Pirogoff. The Bridal Procession.

Art Conservation & Restoration painting oil on canvas. Moshe Maimon.1860 -1924.
San Francisco.

Буду Вам благодарен за любую имеющуюся у Вас информацию о судьбе картин (нынешних владельцах, месторасположении) из Российского павильона Всемирной выставки 1904 г. Официальный каталог экспозиции легко найти в интернете:…
В частности, речь идет о картинах, оказавшихся в музеях региона Сан-Франциско (DeYoung, Legion of Honor, Mills College ect.) и южной Калифорнии (Mission Inn, Riverside).

МИД и Минкультуры России в рамках проекта по исследованию истории двусторонних культурных обменов. Главная цель - "подсветить" вклад российских живописцев в понимание американцами русской истории и культуры, возможно, издать справочник для искусствоведов и широкой публики.

Art studio Sergey Konstantinov.
Art Conservation & Restoration Sergey Konstantinov.
Artist Sergey Konstantinov.
415 928 8290